76 research outputs found

    The Lean Urban Policies’ Design A values-centered method for sustainable urban planning.

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    In these past years, the necessity and urgency has emerged for policies tied to an alternate development to be efficiently applied, and not limited to single operations. The policies must be defined by a clear and effective method of action. Starting by investigating what are the relationship among human being, built environment and natural sources, in fact, we think it is possible to enrich the sustainable urban planning policies with new contents and possibly, new tools. By describing the frame, the objective is to define the most effective method, to be able to convey an effective project action and governance for the territory, to achieve predefined social and energy based objectives. The research will focus on those tools (top-down and bottom-up policies) that today have this specific purpose and action-research studies made in order to possibly deduct some assumptions for a general method: - City, urban environmentalism and sustainable development. - Policies for efficiency, present and future expectations. - Action research studies - Discussion: the Lean way to urban policies’ design By analysing the common methodological characteristics these two different approach have, we have found a possible link with the application of the “lean” method, directly borrowed from economy’s application, to what is involved in the process of “values-centered” project for the territory. The “lean process” and its logics seem to answer to the need of “circular” planning processes (integrating top-down and bottom-up strategies) our cities need. Applying the lean thinking method on an urban scale aims to generate, for whom is in charge of urban planning, the ability to clearly find value and engage policies on more levels and objectives, making them effective through an iteration process of optimization of all resources, to be able to simplify the dynamics and finally render the complex project for the territory simple and sustainable

    Effetti delle perdite di propagazione sulla stima delle prestazioni dei Sistemi Radar Passivi

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    Negli ultimi decenni l’interesse per i Sistemi Radar Passivi è cresciuto sempre più. Questa tipologia di sistema infatti offre dei vantaggi non indifferenti: la totale assenza di emissioni radio ad esempio li rendono estremamente compatibili con l’ambiente, poiché non aggiungono all’ambiente ulteriori segnali e.m. e inoltre non necessitano di una licenza a trasmettere. Questi sistemi basano il loro funzionamento su segnali già presenti per altri scopi, come il DVB-T, il 3G/UMTS e il segnale radio FM. Inoltre l’assenza di progettazione, realizzazione e manutenzione del trasmettitore abbatte i costi del sistema stesso, garantendo allo stesso tempo le funzioni di un radar convenzionale, come la capacità di monitoraggio all weather 24/24h. La tesi in oggetto, realizzata congiuntamente al CNIT (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni) attraverso il Laboratorio Nazionale RaSS (Radar and Surveillance Systems) e con la collaborazione del Centro di Supporto e Sperimentazione Navale - Istituto "G. Vallauri" - Livorno (CSSN-ITE), ha avuto come obiettivo l’ottimizzazione e il miglioramento di uno strumento software, sviluppato in ambiente Matlab, utile a simulare le prestazioni radar del dimostratore “Software-Defined Multiband Array Passive Radar” (SMARP), progettato e costruito nell’ambito del PNRM (Piano Nazionale della Ricerca Militare) e installato proprio all’Istituto “G.Vallauri” di Livorno. È stato dunque realizzato un vero e proprio “Mission Planning Tool” (MPT), ovvero un software che permette di valutare le prestazioni a priori di un sistema radar passivo localizzato in una qualsiasi posizione geografica italiana, grazie all’inserimento dei Digital Elevation Model (DEM) relativi all’intero territorio italiano, in modo del tutto automatizzato. Si è poi reso necessario modificare l’equazione del calcolo del SNR. L’equazione radar bistatica convenzionale infatti non tiene conto della funzione di ambiguità del segnale utilizzato, della potenza del segnale diretto che arriva sul ricevitore e di altri tipi di interferenti. Si è fatto in modo quindi che le prestazioni radar in uscita dal MPT venissero calcolate a partire dal SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio), il quale include i contributi sia del rumore AWGN (additional White Gaussian Noise) che degli interferenti, tra cui il segnale diretto e il multipath. Un altro fattore che influisce in modo consistente sulle prestazioni Radar sono le perdite per effetto della propagazione elettromagnetica. Per rendere quindi i risultati simulati quanto più veritieri e confrontabili con la realtà, è stata implementata sul MPT la raccomandazione ITU-R P.1546-5 “Method for point-to-area predictions for terrestrial services in the frequency range 30 MHz to 3 000 MHz”. Infine, è stata effettuata una campagna di misure. Dapprima si sono volute quantificare le perdite dovute alla catena ricevente del dimostratore SMARP. Successivamente invece sono state eseguite delle misure in modo da confrontare i risultati a priori che il MPT fornisce con quello che è lo scenario reale. È stato quindi scelto sia uno scenario fisso, finalizzata alla stima del segnale diretto proveniente dall’Illuminatore di Opportunità e misurato sul sito di installazione di SMARP, che uno dinamico, ovvero la tratta Livorno-Capraia, per verificare i valori di segnale incidente sul target durante la navigazione

    How to track behaviours’ changes toward more sustainable mobility habits: the serious game of TrafficO2

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    Social science and new communication technologies are influencing deeply the transportation domain and new models of urban sustainable development are constantly emerging as new possible solutions. One of the principal reasons is the capability to reach the motivations that foster us to choose one or other urban transportation systems. It’s already feasible to develop solutions to aim the implementation and the rooting of more efficient and sustainable habits in urban transportation. The present exploratory paper presents the activities conducted by innovation lab PUSH, with the Italian Ministry of Innovation and Research, for the development and the application of the social innovation project “trafficO2” in the city of Palermo Italy. The project is a technology driven (a mobile app) serious game for sustainable urban mobility that tries to foster citizens, through information and tailor made incentives, to choose low emission means instead of using cars. In a very controversial context given by the urban mobility of the city of Palermo, aim of the game is to build a strong and values driven self-organized community, able to change the actual urban condition without any command and control policies or any structural transformation. The system was already tested twice with the community of students of the Palermo University; the paper shows the first results in terms of CO2 reduction and testers engagement

    Service Design and Urban Policies. How new models and tools for designing are influencing the debate about the future of cities

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    The urban environment has been facing multiple challenges, considering the social, political and economical forces which act within this realm. Indeed, various stakeholders have been debating over problems spread within the ci es. The international community is aware about the needs to rethink the urbanization model. Indeed, there is a high number of examples which show the necessity to bring new approaches, methods and processes in the ci es’ strategies and policies. In this paper we will brie y show experimentations, methods and solutions deployed according to the different realities. The digital revolution has a role in facing these challenges, since it is possible to exploit its new means in order to enhance the possible interac on between the urban actors. The service design method becomes fundamental for a different understanding of the urban reality where the technological aspect is intertwined with the social innovation aspect. This possibility gives the chance to investigate an innovative frontier allowing a new engagement and dialogue between public administrations and civil society. This leads to a different collaborative system among the various urban stakeholders, wich gives to citizens the opportunity to become active participants in the city’s transformations and planning. UN-HABITAT is dealing with these digital challenges and is going to address them in the international conference Habitat III, which will be held in Quito in 2016. Various Urban Thinkers Campus (UTC) have been set up across the world as an occasion to debate over the multiple experiences which will be enriching contribution during Habitat III. In this framework, the mission of the UTC in Palermo was to better understand the capacity of the combination of ICT and Service Design to reimagine ci es, especially in less globalized contexts, debating the role of the key actors involved: urban communities, researchers, private businesses and local authorities

    Pursuing softer urban mobility behaviors through game-based apps

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    Cities are currently engaged through their urban policies in pushing people towards less environmentally impacting mobility modalities: therefore, cycling and walking are strongly promoted, especially by means of new and wider limited traffic and no-cars zones. In this paper, the effectiveness of the new smartphones and appsbased technologies in modifying the mobility behaviors of citizens towards more sustainable choices has been investigated. Specifically, the potential of a smartphone app, directly involving citizens by means of a game rewarding the most sustainable trips, has been tested on a university commuters' group. These latter, starting from their current mobility situation, were challenged by an enhanced scenario characterized by more restrictive and sustainable targets. Promising results have been obtained suggesting that game–based tools could be effectively used as urban policy interventions intended to obtain a more sustainable mobilit

    Design and digital transition. New design-driven challenges for techno-social innovation

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    How can it be possible to work salvifically on an asphyxiated society that is being dragged down by turbo-capitalism, the ‘soft tyranny’ of algorithms and ‘data-cracy’ and marked by hegemonic and centralised socio-technical systems? Starting from theoretical reflections and multidisciplinary contributions, this paper focuses on the strategic importance of techno-social innovation, critically illustrating some significant design-driven experiences that outline innovative lines of development in the field of design research: WASP’s experimental activity (3D printing), Manzini’s reflections on hybrid local communities and cities in chaotic mutation, the projects of hacktivists Persico and Iaconesi on open source artificial intelligence, the experiences of frugal technological innovation with high social impact in the Planet’s most challenging economic, environmental and social contexts, and, finally, the bold projections on the food of the future with the related problematic experiments on production systems and lifestyles

    Cytomegalovirus colitis and cow's milk allergy in an immunocompetent infant: Is a causal or casual relationship?

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    The association between cytomegalovirus (CMV) colitis and cow's milk allergy (CMPA) is rare and still unclear. The authors describe the case of an 8-week old female infant who presented with bloody diarrhea, lack of appetite, weight loss and fever due to CMV colitis. After some months she developed a CMPA. This case report describes the third case of CMV colitis associated with CMPA. This case strongly suggests a causal relationship between the two conditions

    Dare Fiducia

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    Il contributo "Dare Fiducia" fa parte della selezione di trenta “pillole di fiducia” in risposta alla call “Fabbricare fiducia” lanciata dal visionario Andrea Bartoli, co-fondatore di Farm Cultural Park. Ad una breve introduzione circa le condizioni necessarie per aprirsi con genuina curiosità, generosità e rispetto agli altri, seguono alcuni riferimenti con link ipertestuali